Wegene Tadele
MIT EECS - DENSO Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Designing an Optoelectronic Bistable Device (OEBD) for the Compact Optoelectronic Integrated Neural (COIN) Co-processor.
Cardinal Warde
A 2-D array of Optoelectronic Bistable Device (OEBD) is one of the components vital to the functionality of the Compact Optoelectronic Integrated Neural (COIN) co-processor that is being developed by the Photonics Systems Lab. OEBD is a light in-light out device that performs intensity thresholding. Based on the sum of the input intensities from nine neighboring previous-layer nodes, it decides whether to generate a high or a low output intensity. In AI, OEBDs generate the squashing function; however, the OEBD in this case employs optoelectronic devices as opposed to software algorithms to accomplish light intensity summation and output decisions. In this project, I will characterize the OEBD designs that I developed during my UAP, and choose the best design that can be implemented into an array and integrated into the COIN.
Previously, I participated in the design of the new COIN coprocessor architecture with the group. I also did a UAP which focused on developing designs for optoelectronic bistable devices (OEBDs), and I characterized the fiber optical plate to be used as the interconnection element in the hybrid version of the COIN.