The program

Launched in 2012, SuperUROP is an expanded version of MIT’s flagship Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). The year-long research program, open to juniors and seniors at MIT, enables students to tackle tough problems and strive for publication-worthy results.

SuperUROP gives students the time, training, resources, and guidance necessary for deep scientific and engineering inquiry along with access to graduate-level facilities such as the MIT nanofabrication labs.

As of May 2023, 1149 undergraduates have completed the program.

How does SuperUROP work?

Students choose a faculty member or MIT researcher, take a two-semester course (6.UAR) (during the fall and subsequent spring term) on undergraduate research, and spend 10 hours a week (or more) on their research.

Often, these year-long projects evolve into graduate theses, startup plans, or industry positions.

Guest speakers from industry and the faculty also provide insight on topics ranging from technical communications to intellectual property to ethics in engineering.

Most students receive funding generously gifted by industry supporters, alumni, and  donors, while earning course credit.

What is the desired outcome of SuperUROP?

The program serves as a launch pad to academia, research, industry, and startups by teaching students how to:

  • Select a research project and conduct background research.
  • Explore current research topics in their degree field.
  • Write high-quality research papers and experience the review process.
  • Give effective research presentations to various stakeholders.

How do I become a SuperUROP scholar?

Each year in March, the SuperUROP coordinators hold one or more info sessions. Watch this recorded info session. In April, students submit applications with project proposals. Acceptance letters typically go out in June, and the SuperUROP experience begins in September. See the timeline below for details.


February Faculty submit project ideas for the upcoming academic year.
March Info sessions for prospective SuperUROP scholars are held in early March. See below for specific dates.
Application website opens.
Early April Students indicate intent to apply by submitting résumé and transcript on the SuperUROP application site.
Late April Students submit their project proposals with their supervisor’s approval.
June/July Applications are reviewed; selection letters are sent to students.
Early August Students accept enrollment in SuperUROP.
Mid-August SuperUROP scholar assignments are made.
Early September First term starts; class and research begin.
September Résumés are distributed to SuperUROP supporters.
Early December Fall SuperUROP Showcase is held in early December.
Early February Second term starts; class and research continue.
Late April–Early May Final project presentations are made during last classes.
Mid-May SuperUROP Certificate Reception is held.

Apply for
SuperUROP 2024-2025

This program is open to MIT students during their junior or senior years. You can contact us at superurop-contact [at] if you have questions.

Interested in participating in SuperUROP for 2024-2025?

Watch this info session from March 2023 to learn about the program. You can view the slides here.

You can also watch the students in action at a SuperUROP showcase

For more details and to apply to SuperUROP for 2024-2025, please visit the SuperUROP application website.

Important dates | 2024-2025

February 2024:

During the month of February, Faculty post their project(s) on the SuperUROP application website.

The application website is now open for students to submit their application.

March 5, 2024

Info Session: 4-5pm, Room 34-401B & on Zoom:

View slides

March 14, 2024

Info Session, 12-1pm, Room 36-462 & on Zoom:

View slides

April 5, 2024

Deadline for students to indicate their intent to participate in SuperUROP by submitting their résumé and grades.

April 29, 2024

  • Deadline for students to submit a SuperUROP proposal, approved by their supervisor.
  • Deadline for uploading the following: your CV; transcript; and a short, 2-3-paragraph research proposal.
  • Deadline for your project supervisor to upload a letter of recommendation.  While we would appreciate receiving the letter of recommendation by the above date, if the letter arrives within a week, it will be considered on time.  If more time is needed, please let us know.

June/July, 2024

  • Applications are reviewed.
  • Funding decisions are made.
  • Selection letters are sent to students.

August, 2024

  • Funding decisions will be announced
  • Students need to submit a UROP application and register for 6.UAR

January, 2025

For the spring term, students need to submit a UROP application and register for 6.UAR.