Yian Lai
MIT EECS Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Visual Glass Software
Erik D. Demaine
Prof. Demaines team is developing a software system in C++ to simulate the different designs in glass blowing before actually making something. The software focuses on developing a system for a glass cane, and to create new artistic designs of canes. My project will be developing the ray tracing feature for the software. Ray tracing increases the degree of the visual realism by tracing the path of light through pixels. By implementing this feature, we will be able to generate images that are close to the reality.
I have worked with Prof. Adam at MIT on Interactive Games for Accelerated Insights into Dynamic System Strategies. I have worked with Prof. Fukui at Hokkaido University in Japan on Fabrication of GaAs nanowires for solar cell devices. I was part of the team of MIT International Consulting Club to develop a educational business booklet and conducted pilot testing on site for microfinance non profit organizations in China.