Shilpa M. Agrawal
MIT EECS | Quanta Computer Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
6.004x Online Tools Implementation and Evaluation
Christopher Terman
I will be building a tool for the edX course, 6.004x (the MITx version of 6.004: Computation Structures). The tool will aim to teach the concept of Finite State Machines. Built on top of the existing architectural simulator, TMSim, the tool will allow students to build FSMs through a visual editor and will provide personalized feedback on the FSMs to help students to diagnose problems and bridge gaps in understanding. The goal of this project is to build an educational tool that effective at teaching, but also to understand the effectiveness of online tools on students learning and how MIT courses can be effectively integrated through the edX platform.
I have interned with edX, as well as other education technology initiatives including doing a UROP at the Scheller Teacher Education Program (STEP) Lab in the Media Lab, and doing a software development externship at Amplify Access in NYC. Through experiences working on-the-ground education initiatives such as Amphibious Achievement and Teach For America, I have also become passionate about discovering ways to improve teaching.