Kimberly Leon
MIT EECS — Actifio Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Open Data for MIT Students
David R. Karger
This project aims to improve the ability of MIT students to access and share data that can help them at MIT. On the academic side, starting from existing projects, we’ll create broader tools that enable students to share information about their overall academic goals and progress, share experience about courses to take, accurately assess workloads, and coordinate curricula with friends. On the recreational side, we’ll consider tools that make it easier to locate and use resources at MIT–such as improvements in event planning and room scheduling. This will involve coordinating with the MIT registrar and data warehouse to open up access to data that can be of value to students, as well as building applications that can collect new kinds of data from students and make good use of it.
I love the idea of building tools that will be used by MIT students. Creating or making it possible for others to create an application that combines all the best features of the current MIT course scheduling websites along with additional features is a really exciting project. I’m also interested in working with big sets of data and figuring out new and interesting ways to use that data.