Haripriya Mehta
Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Paper Dreams
- Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Patricia Maes
Perhaps all storyboard artists have faced artist’ s block at least once in their lifetimes. What happens when storyboard artists feel an absence of creativity? Our project, Paper Dreams, focuses on augmenting the artist’ s creativity by providing potential ideas for storylines to artists when they are running out of ideas. We utilize cognitive processes of artists to determine when they are lacking creativity and to determine machine learning algorithms to recognize what they are drawing. Then the underlying neural network of our app draws an object in the scene. Our goal is to take our existing neural network model and modify it so that the produced doodles are more relevant to the existing storyline and to the artist’ s emotional state and are in the style of the artist.
I am participating in SuperUROP because I would like to go deeper in my research about augmenting creativity with artificial intelligence. While I have spent most of my time last semester making the user interface for Paper Dreams, this year, I would like to focus more on understanding and refining the machine learning models relevant to our project. I hope to submit a paper for publication.