Anthony Erb Lugo
MIT EECS — MITRE Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
iDiary: Face Recognition for Videos
Daniela L. Rus
We produce large amounts of information every day. To be able to make good use of this information, we need to be able to extract and analyze this data in an efficient manner. Information extraction from mobile phones, smart glasses, or robots sensors such as GPS and video over long periods of time enables the autonomous analysis of the activity stream for the mobile agent that generated these capabilities. The collected data is valuable for identifying objects/persons, mapping, situation awareness, and modeling behaviors, but requires efficient tools that can extract the right information at the right time efficiently. This project will deal with developing the tools to extract and process this information.
My name is Anthony E. Erb Lugo, I am a senior at MIT studying Mathematics and Computer Science. I’m interested in Algorithms as well as Machine Learning. My SuperUROP project is to perform facial recognition on videos while also identifying the faces recognized through the use of online image databases. I’m excited to work on the challenges that this project presents.