Andrew  Komo

Andrew Komo

Scholar Title

MIT EECS | CS+HASS Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar

Research Title

A Geospatial Analysis of Energy Consumption and Production in the United States





Research Areas
  • Energy

Dave Donaldson


This project focuses on understanding the causal relationship between energy consumption and production in different parts of the United States. We first assembly a dataset of events that could cause energy disruptions from multiple sources including weather data and news stories. We then use the difference in the severity of these incidents in different locales to infer the effects in a graph model. Finally, we use the developed model to make normative predictions about the effects of future disasters and potential environmental policies.


I am participating in SuperUROP because I want to gain more research experience and because I am excited to learn more about my area of research. Past research I have done as well as both theoretical and empirical economics classes have helped prepare me for this project. Through this project, I hope to gain an understanding of the interplay between events affecting energy in different parts of this country.

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