Ali Rami Daher
MIT SoE | Quest Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Brain Tumor Modeling and Learning
Mechanical Engineering
- Biological and Medical Devices and Systems
Pierre Lermusiaux
Glioblastoma multiforme, or GBM is a fast-growing, aggressive type of central nervous system tumor that develops from glial cells and forms on the supportive tissue of the brain. These tumors are biologically aggressive and present unique treatment challenges due to the lack of comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of tumor evolution. The project attempts to initiate the mathematical modeling of the evolution of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), using the existing rigorous partial differential equation-based machine learning framework of the MIT MSEAS (Multidisciplinary Simulation, Estimation, and Assimilation Systems) group in the mechanical engineering department.
“This is my first time working on anything that uses mathematical modeling to help trace the evolution of a biological phenomenon like the evolution of Glioblastoma multiforme in the brain, and I am very excited. I hope to gain high-level research experience through such an interdisciplinary project and hopefully make a positive contribution to my group.”