Yukimi Morimoto
MIT EECS | Analog Devices Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Fabrication and Characterization of Thin Film Superconductors and Wires on Thin Films
- Devices
Karl K. Berggren
The goal is to deposit and characterize few-nanometer-thick superconducting films which are the material used in the fabrication of sensitive photonic devices, especially superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs). The performance of SNSPDs is dependent on the materials. In this project, I investigate the superconducting properties of few-nm-thick bilayer films and wires fabricated on them. There are three main projects for this SuperUROP: 1) fabrication of wires on NbN-Ti bilayer film and measurement of superconducting properties of the wires, 2) fabrication of Nb-Au bilayer film and measurement of superconducting properties of the material, and 3) fabrication of bilayer film with different materials and thickness and measurement of superconducting properties.
I am participating in SuperUROP because I am very interested in the applications of superconductors. I have worked on this material for a UROP project, but as I learn more about it, I find more things I don’ t know about. I am excited to learn more about fabrication methods and applications of bilayer superconductors.