Youyang  Gu

Youyang Gu

Scholar Title

MIT EECS Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar

Research Title

Evaluating Search Space Representations for Program Autotuning




Saman P. Amarasinghe


Program autotuning is the process of optimizing a program’s internal parameters to maximize or minimize a certain objective function, such as speed or accuracy. Currently, there is no systematic method for autotuning programs across multiple projects. OpenTuner, developed at CSAIL as a possible solution to this problem, is an open source framework for building domain-specific program autotuners. The goal of this project is to develop a system for OpenTuner to quickly and reliably evaluate a program’s search space representations. Given a set of candidate encodings, this project aims to build a tool that helps users determine the most optimal sequence of encodings to search over.


I spent this past summer at Google designing and building an evaluation system for content matching as part of the new App Indexing for Search platform. Prior to that, I have worked for various financial firms in New York City, using large historical data sets to create predictive models.

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