Yan Zheng
MIT ChemE | Raj. V. Tahil (1981) Research and Innovation Scholar
Electrocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
Ariel L. Furst
The emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is about 40 billion metric tons per year, and tens of gigatons of carbon dioxide are anticipated to be generated in the next few decades. To effectively mitigate negative environmental impact, a feasible method of recycling carbon dioxide can be developed. The goal of this project is to directly reduce carbon dioxide to value-added products using copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) as an electrocatalyst. To accomplish the goal, I need to establish a synthetic method for shape and size control of the CuNPs, optimize the product selectivity of the electrocatalyst reactions, and scale-up the synthesis method with consistent catalyst quality.
I am participating in SuperUROP because I want to engage academically with my interest in the field of electrocatalysis and nanotechnology, and apply what I have learned in class as a ChemE. Through this opportunity, I would like to enhance my problem-solving skills, learn characterization techniques, and expand my knowledge on the fields of interest. Regarding the project, I am most excited to see what nano-sized particles can accomplish.