Virginia  Chiu

Virginia Chiu

Scholar Title

MIT EECS - Morais and Rosenblum Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar

Research Title

Font Art Through Algorithms




Erik D. Demaine


The goal of this project is to develop several mathematical and puzzle fonts, with the ultimate goal of developing twenty-six different fonts to compile an alphabet book. Mathematical fonts are fonts based on open problems and theorems in mathematics, and puzzle fonts are fonts where the reader must solve a puzzle to decode the message typed in the font. The value of designing these fonts is that they are a method of open exploration in solving open problems; creating a font based on an open problem provides a diferent angle for viewing the problem. They also provide an accessible medium for viewing and understanding the mathematical principles that form the basis of the font.


I did a UROP with the Genesis Group @ CSAIL and investigated the creation of “natural” spoken event descriptions. I also interned at the Game Innovation Programme at the Singapore University of Technology and Design as a game programmer and worked with a team to develop an original game for National Instruments. Most recently, I interned as a software engineer at Originate and contributed to an enterprise project.

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