Tatum Wilhelm
MIT ChemE | Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Developing Engineered Cell-Based Electrochemical Lanthanide Sensors
- Biological and Medical Devices and Systems
Ariel L. Furst
Lanthanides are rare-Earth elements used in several industries including green energy and electronics primarily due to their abundance and low-cost. However, the separation of lanthanides in mining and recycling is costly and environmentally damaging. The protein lanmodulin (LanM) has a high selectivity for rare-Earth elements and is a promising target for sensing, harvesting, and recycling lanthanides.
In this project, I will explore three aims for the detection and recovery of lanthanides from complex solutions:
1) Develop an electrochemical LanM sensor to detect these metals;
2) Engineer biomaterials through the surface expression of LanM on cells for the facile recovery of lanthanides from water; and
3) Generate a co-culture for the capture and electrochemical detection of these metals.
Through SuperUROP, I am very excited to experience higher-level research focused on an independent project, where I will have the chance to make a meaningful impact on the broader scientific community. I am excited to enhance my learning at the intersection of chemical and biological engineering while consequently gaining crucial skills for my academic and professional career.