So Yeun  Cho

So Yeun Cho

Scholar Title

MIT EECS - DENSO Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar

Research Title

Towards Human Visual Understanding




Boris Katz


Visual understanding is a fundamental yet a very challenging task. Computer vision researchers continuously develop artificial intelligence capabilities for both low-level and high-level vision. The research objective of this project is to explore the human approach to visual understanding and to build a computational model that utilizes this approach to produce a system with an enhanced, human-like, visual understanding capability. In particular, since humans often ask and answer natural language questions about what they see in the world, we will investigate how humans perform these tasks on still images and videos and then develop computational models that jointly address vision and language.


I took an Artificial Intelligence course last year, and it fascinated me. As a student majoring in both Mathematics and Computer Science, I’ve always wanted to do a research that involves as much math as computer science. I’ll be able to apply a variety of mathematical and statistical tools, and learn more machine learning tools as I develop computational models for different tasks in computer vision.

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