Shiqi Chen
MIT EECS | Analog Devices Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Monitoring Breast Cancer Tissue with Implantable Medical Devices
- Biological and Medical Devices and Systems
Ruonan Han
Breast cancer is one of the most common and dangerous cancers among women, second only to skin cancer. Typical ways to diagnose breast cancer includes Mammogram, Ultrasonography, Positron emission tomography (PET) scanning, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), etc. However, these methods may have certain downsides. This paper tries to monitor breast cancer tissue growth utilizing implantable medical devices(IMD) and in-body backscatter communication and localization techniques.
As a senior student preparing for applying for Ph.D. in the field of EE, I hope to learn more and strengthen my EE skills through this project in my fourth year. This project caught my interest because it contains various skills including 3D printing that I believe are both interesting and useful. As a student focusing on both physics and EECS, I believe I will make the most use out of this project.