Saumil  Bandyopadhyay

Saumil Bandyopadhyay

Scholar Title

MIT EECS — Analog Devices Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar

Research Title

CMOS-compatible implantable photonic systems




Rajeev J. Ram


Implantable biomedical sensors hold promise as a less invasive alternative to conventional patient monitoring systems. We aim to design an implantable sensor that uses CMOS photovoltaics for power delivery and light emission from silicon for optical data transfer. Although silicon is a poor emitter of light, MOSFETs are known to emit light at high drain voltages through hot carrier luminescence; additionally, a CMOS avalanche photodiode (APD) was recently demonstrated that can also be operated as a photovoltaic. The initial phase of this research will focus on characterizing different APD designs for their suitability as photovoltaics and modifying a CCD camera set-up to track the light emission from a CMOS array.


I am interested in research on electronic, magnetic, and photonic devices. In high school, I worked on designing sensitive room-temperature IR photodetectors out of nanowires at Virginia Commonwealth University. I previously worked in the Sadoway group on optimizing the performance of liquid metal batteries, and last summer I worked on fabrication and characterization of 2D materials at Lincoln Laboratory.

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