Sarah Spector
MIT EECS | Analog Devices Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Electromagnetic Actuation of Electronic Microsystems
- Devices
Tomas A. Palacios
Modern innovations in the field of miniaturizing electronics through new techniques in nanotechnology have the potential to forever alter our relationship with electronic devices; think displays embedded in windows or ubiquitous sensors and energy harvesting. One emergent technology that may lead to such a world is the SynCell project which aims to test the limits of size and electronics by building electronic microsystems at the scale of biological cells (~100um). My project will focus on automating the magnetic locomotion of SynCells by creating a platform to programmatically move SynCells through a solution using variable magnetic fields. Creating this programmable magnetic mat will involve system design and field simulation, prototyping and testing, and possibly an extension to 3D.
“Ever since taking 6.013 (Electromagnetics and Applications), I have been fascinated by the applications of physics in the operation of electronics. I am excited to be working on a project at the cutting edge of nanotechnology which may provide a preview of electronics’ future. Through SuperUROP, I hope to gain a better understanding not only of physics and electronics but of the process of investigative research itself.”