Ruidi Cao
MIT EECS | Morais and Rosenblum Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Sublinear Time Algorithms for Real World Graphs
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Theory of Computation
Ronitt Rubinfeld
The underlying connectivity in social networks, communications networks and transportation networks are usually modeled as graphs. Algorithms that process such large graphs need to be especially fast, and so it is important to develop parallel algorithms for these basic tasks. Though there has been much study on such parallel algorithms, a recent direction has been to consider the design of more efficient algorithms for special classes of graphs that appear to describe networks that occur in “real life”. In this research, we will investigate the possibility of faster parallel algorithms for networks that have such “real life” properties.
I am participating in SuperUROP because I really enjoy thinking about theoretical problems that can have a real-world impact. With my background in math, studying graph problems is a great fit for my interest. I hope to gain more experience in research by participating in SuperUROP, and I’m really excited to discover where I can make a contribution.