Oliver Song
MIT EECS Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
From Mockup to Web App: Building the Next-Generation Web Template Language
David R. Karger
CTS (“Cascading Tree Sheets”) is a complement to CSS which abstracts and encapsulates structural HTML scaffolding. It should provide several functionalities beyond what CSS offers: rich copy-and paste of data between websites, in-browser WYSIWYG editing, automatically-generated APIs, and site themes that are easily transportable from site to site. The project aims to empower casual web users with the ability to make professional web sites: from just a mockup, it should infer the data backend and editing interface; by pointing at another site, it should import that site’s style for reuse on one’s own. The student will create implementations with the CTS abstraction, create an application to use the aforementioned functions, and evaluate the results of these extended capabilities
I am a web developer with a focus on front-end work. During my time at Tumblr, I was a full-stack developer focusing on a dashboarding project called Fibr. At Square, one of the projects I worked on was a non-opinionated templating and styling framework (similar to Bootstrap).