Maxim Noel Attiogbe

Maxim Noel Attiogbe

Scholar Title

Eric and Wendy Schmidt Center Funded Research and Innovation Scholar

Research Title

Enhancing Genetic Structural Variant Discovery with Deep Learning




Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Research Areas
  • AI for Healthcare and Life Sciences

Caroline Uhler


Accurate mapping of genomic structural variants (SVs) is crucial for advancing biomedical research and understanding genetic diversity. Deep learning is a promising approach forto interpreting complex SV signatures in DNA sequencing data. Using data from the Human Genome SV Consortium and the All of Us Research Program, we will develop a convolutional neural network to detect SVs from short-read sequencing data, building on existing architectures for smaller mutations. We will then integrate the model into the Talkowski lab’s GATK-SV pipeline, creating a scalable, cloud-based workflow for structural variant filtering in large-scale genomic studies. This integration aims to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of identifying disease-causing genetic variants in research and clinical settings.


I am pursuing this project to gain experience combining research and engineering to develop a high-impact, production-ready healthcare application of machine learning. I aim to expand upon my ML research experience from CSAIL and SWE/ML industry experience from Microsoft and LinkedIn. This project will inform my ML research project choice for my MEng I plan to start in fall 2025 and my graduate school or industry decisions afterwards.

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