Ma Czarina Lao
MIT EECS | Landsman Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Déjà Vu: A Conceptual Software Design Method for Web Applications
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Programming Languages and Software Engineering
Daniel N. Jackson
Though applications differ vastly in purpose, they tend to have many fundamental concepts in common, such as posting, up-voting, and events. These recurring concepts are what we call clichés. Déjà Vu is a new platform that allows developers to build applications without writing code by assembling clichés from a library. A prototype has already been built and used to recreate some simple web applications. My project’ s goal is to explore a possible niche type of website such as shopping or forum-style sites and further develop Déjà Vu according to that niche. The project aims to measure Déjà Vu’ s success by recreating existing, more complex web applications of the target type. It will also assess how Déjà Vu affects the application development process.
Through the SuperUROP program, I hope to gain valuable research experience and guidance and become more capable of producing new creative ideas. I am particularly drawn to my project because I am interested in exploring and improving software engineering and design methods. I hope to contribute significantly to my project using my experience in designing systems and developing web applications from past internships and classes such as Software Studio (6.170).