Liliana Edmonds
MIT EECS | Analog Devices Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Developing a Scaled-Up, Handheld Permanent Magnet MR Imager
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Biological and Medical Devices and Systems
- Information Science and Systems
Jacob K. White
The easily constructed Aubert ring-inspired spokes-and-hub magnets show promise as a topology for handheld MR imaging, particularly for educational purposes. In this paper we show the scalability of the spokes-and-hub design, and associated tools and RF signal processing, by scaling up the magnet. Constructing a 2x larger magnet yields a volume large enough to potentially image a finger (with which we hope to inspire students). We used our simulator to design and optimize the magnet topology, then constructed it from off-the-shelf small bar magnets, and verified its fields by direct Hall-effect measurements as well as indirectly through spin echoes.
SuperUROP has helped me immensely in fully developing the communication skills and confidence needed to become an independent researcher.