Kifle Woldu
MIT EECS Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Personalized Web Page Recommendations using Browsing Activity
- Computer Systems
David R. Karger
We propose to extend Eyebrowse, a web-browser extension that gathers information about web-browsing activities and shares that information (under the users’ control) with others for mutual benefit. Potential applications we hope to also explore include: discovering interesting new web sites based on users’ friends’ browsing activity, improving web navigation by blazing trails to the important parts of websites, supporting chance encounters when users and their friends are visiting the same website, browsing the web collaboratively, identifying missing links between pages, reporting on global web-activity trends, tagging sites and pages according to the interests of people who visit them, and whatever other exciting applications that emerge.
I wanted to do SuperUROP to apply my acquired knowledge working on an interesting year-long research project. Going forward, I look forward to realizing the numerous useful applications browser activity data has to offer and applying my application and user interface development skills.