Kevin Wendell White
MIT EECS Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Bidirectional Parser
Patrick H. Winston
Patrick Winston’s Genesis system uses stories as a basis for understanding human intelligence. The system makes use of natural language processing, in the form of a parser, to understand various words. However, most parsers today struggle to understand complex sentences. Thus, this project aims to take major steps towards creating a parser that can make use of both syntax-based and context based parsing. The proposed bidirectional parser will allowfor the ability to disambiguate words, phrases, and sentences more quickly, making it an invaluable tool in systems using natural language processing.
I have previously worked with Professor Patrick Winston on the Genesis project. I have also taken Artificial Intelligence and the Human Intelligence Enterprise. In addition to reading Shimon Ullman’s chapter on counter streams in his book High Level Vision, I have also researched the various parsers in preparation for this parser.