Kaiyan  Fan

Kaiyan Fan

Scholar Title

Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar

Research Title

Composable Building Blocks for Distributed Applications




Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Research Areas
  • Computer Systems

Adam M. Belay


To meet the ever-increasing computing demand, developers build modern applications in a distributed manner to leverage the massive resource available in the cloud. While the cloud computing paradigm has been popular for over a decade, building a distributed application that is scalable, efficient, and reliable still remains a daunting and labor-intensive process. A major cause is the lack of composable building blocks. Therefore when building a new application, the developers have to reimplement the classical distributed system mechanisms in an application-specific way to achieve the desired properties. To liberate developers from this cumbersome process and focus on their business logic, in this project we will design composable building blocks for distributed applications.


I’ve taken various courses in computer systems. I enjoyed the labs of these courses, and they make me strongly interested in building computer systems myself. SuperUROP is a great opportunity for me to go beyond the courses, and learn how the most novel and practical computer systems are designed and built in research labs. I look forward to building a system that solves real world problems.

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