Joshua  Blum

Joshua Blum

Scholar Title

MIT EECS Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar

Research Title

Eyebrowse - Transparent Web Browsing




David R. Karger


Eyebrowse seeks to explore the potential for letting users automatically track and selectively publish their web browsing activities in real time on the Web. There are three goals of the Eyebrowse project. The first goal is to allow users to better understand how they spend time on the web through visualizations and statistics. Secondly, Eyebrowse seeks to foster social discovery and awareness through real-time web activity sharing. The final goal is to build a large network of web browsing trails through the data collected. Eyebrowse will exist as a browser extension to accomplish these goals and allow transparent web browsing.


I am working as a consultant for Kibits to build a voice channel extension/library. I worked at MoPub as a Software Engineering Intern building a mobile web app for clients. I worked as lab assistant for the 6.01, 6.189, and 6.004 undergraduate classes.

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