Jose Guajardo
MIT EECS | Analog Devices Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Ultra-Small-Scale THz Circuits
- Integrated Circuits and Systems
Ruonan Han
High-frequency circuits have been at the core of some of the world’s most recent advancements, such as 5G and autonomous driving. The continuing advancement of RF-driven technologies requires increased circuit operating frequencies and decreased device size. A major challenge is that RF front-end circuits do not scale down easily as their operating frequencies scale up. The aim of this research is to design RF-circuits using a lumped-element approach, as opposed to traditional distributed element design. Lumped elements are difficult to model and implement efficiently, but their benefits bring small size, lower cost, and wider bandwidth characteristics. By incorporating the size and performance benefits of lumped elements, this project aims to advance emerging communications technologies.
I am participating in the SuperUROP program because I am excited for the opportunity to contribute to advanced research as an undergraduate. I developed an interest in research and circuit design during my junior Fall, when I took 6.301 while working on a circuits-related UROP project. I am looking forward to applying some of those learnings to my SuperUROP project, and to deeply familiarize myself with RF design along the way.