Jiyang Gao
MIT EECS | Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Optimization of General Secret Key Sharing Scheme
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Theory of Computation
Vinod Vaikuntanathan
In cryptography, secret sharing is a widely used method for distributing a secret among participants who are each allocated a share of the secret. The secret can only be reconstructed when certain shares are combined together. A classical model would be when a secret is revealed only when any two or more shares are known. In this research, we wish to push the model to a more general case where several designated subsets of shares can reveal the secret. We are interested in the theoretical lower bound of bits required for building up this scheme for a single bit of secret. Our goal is to create a better secret sharing scheme than the current one and analyze it.
I’ m participating in SuperUROP because I wish to apply the knowledge I acquired from 6.875 (Cryptography and Cryptanalysis) to a long-term research effort. I hope to learn more about theoretical cryptography and find out if I will enjoy research in cryptography through this project.