Jeremy Paul Stroming
MIT AeroAstro | Lincoln Laboratory Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Earth Speaks: A Digital Ocean Platform for Citizen Engagement
- Aeronautics and Astronautics
Dava Newman
In the spirit of Buckminster Fuller’ s Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, EarthThinx is an envisioned operating system for Spaceship Earth. The system will empower every person to act every day to heal and preserve our planet. The technology platform will use cognitive computing, artificial intelligence, data mining, pattern recognition, and natural language to survey and diagnose Earth’ s four subsystems (land, oceans, atmosphere, and near-space) in near real-time and offer solutions for everyone to take action through technologies such as smart phones, smart watches, digital assistants, and social media. EarthThinx will be a cognitive, visually engaging tool for global citizens, businesses, and governments to make smarter economic and environmental decisions on a daily basis.
MIT celebrates and facilitates a culture of bold propositions to solve complex problems, and EarthThinx is the epitome of that mindset. I see this SuperUROP project as a chance to explore my own capabilities and apply my learning towards solving a real-world challenge in an academic research setting while building strong relationships with inspiring faculty mentors and industry advisors. I want to produce work that I will be proud to sign my name to.