Jason Madeano
MIT | IBM-Watson AI Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Social Mechanisms of Cultural Evolution
Joshua Tenenbaum
In recent years, computational models have given insight into processes underlying cultural transmission, but efforts have mostly focused on small-scale cognitive problems. In this project, we will be extending a video game playing agent that learns to play games in human-like ways in order to model knowledge transmission in complex game worlds. Just as a person might play a new video game for an hour and then quickly explain the most important mechanics to a friend, our modified agent will be able to learn to play games during a quick gameplay session and then decide which information/strategies to pass to naive copies of itself to help them learn the game. We hope our framework will lead to a new direction for a more quantitative study of knowledge transmission in complex environments.
I have been in the UROP program for two years, and I think that it has been the key to my success at MIT. I have loved applying my knowledge from machine learning and cognitive science classes in my research and look forward to a longer‐term research project and hopefully publishing a paper!