Jason Giovanni Villanueva
MIT EECS | Lincoln Laboratory Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Improved State Estimation in Autonomous Vehicles
- Robotics
Jonathan How
The AeroSpace Controls Lab (ACL) uses Vicon camera tracking technology to test its robots. Though capable and accurate, the indoor camera space limits many other projects that the team could potentially work on outdoors due to space restrictions and the lack of an accurate method for state estimation outdoors. Inherent in this is losing the ability to make autonomous complex maneuvers, or drifting in position or orientation over a prolonged period. I will explore methods for sensor calibration to confidently collect accurate data as well as implementing performance-optimized odometry and attitude algorithms to open up a new realm of experimentation for the ACL, both indoors and outdoors.
Through this SuperUROP project, I want to contribute to research in clever ways that my education will allow. I’m currently taking Performance Engineering of Software Systems (6.172) and hope this coupling with research in C code will allow the IMU to function and become useful for tracking. What excites me most is the potential that this project has for opening new research doors.