Hyunjoon Song
MIT EECS Hewlett Foundation Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Automatic Dynamic Analysis Framework for Embedded Firmwares
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Robotics
Howard Shrobe
Automated Generation of Attack Trees for Industrial Control System
In 2014 Eugene Kaspersky who is the CEO of a world-renowned cybersecurity company named Kaspersky Labs said that Internet of Things (IoT) essentially means Internet of Threats. As the number of connected smart devices accelerates a rapidly growing number of them will be subject to many attacks geared to obtain criminal profit. Before IoT is fully realized it is imperative to address a number of security and privacy challenges prevalent in these devices as quickly as possible. We will solely focus on the latest IoT botnet malware called Mirai and extensively analyze the behaviors of the running botnet using infiltration techniques in an effort to find targeted vulnerabilities in IoT devices and understand the motivation behind these types of attacks.
I’m Hyunjoon Song a senior majoring in Course 6-3. As part of the SuperUROP program I will be working with Dr. Howard Shrobe. My project is to perform an insightful analysis of the Mirai botnet in order to add a general understanding of an IoT botnet. What excites me about the project is that many people do not understand the potential impact of malicious attacks using IoT devices.