Heath Nilsen
MIT AeroAstro | Boeing Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Experimental Validation of Flow-Field and Far-Field Modeling Based Wind Tunnel Corrections
Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Aeronautics and Astronautics
Mark Drela
The intent of wind tunnel testing is to simulate an unbounded flow-field about a 2D airfoil or a 3D aircraft in flight. When performing such tests, the tunnel walls or jet boundaries induce unwanted effects on the flow velocities at the model location causing inaccuracies in the model’s flow-field and forces. These inconsistencies must be modeled and estimated in order to obtain correct measured data. The main goal of this project is to experimentally validate the flow-field and far-field based wind tunnel corrections given in the book Flight Vehicle Aerodynamics by Mark Drela. The 2×3 wind tunnel at MIT will be used to conduct the necessary tests as it can operate in both the open-jet and solid-wall configuration; this allows the corrected results from each case to be compared to deduce overall accuracy.
I am participating in SuperUROP because it is a unique opportunity to research fluid mechanics, my favorite aspect of aerospace engineering. I have participated in many UROPs in the past but none have given me the ability to conduct my own research resulting in the sole possession of a research paper. I am most excited to work with Mark Drela, a pioneer in the field of aerodynamics, and work in the world-class Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel.