Hannah Loizzo
MIT ChemE | Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Understanding the Stability and Elemental Interdiffusion Between Solid-State Electrolytes and High-Capacity Cathodes with Utilization of Li3BO3 as a Sintering Agent
- Energy
Jennifer Rupp
This project will explore a sintering agent to be used for the densification of solid LLZO electrolyte in next-generation lithium-ion batteries. The sintering agent, LLZO, as well as cathode materials will be synthesized using a sol-gel synthesis method. The phases of the materials will be determined using X-ray diffraction and in situ Raman spectroscopy will be used to explore the changing phases of the composite material as it is heated. Conductivity will be determined through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The main intention of this project is to find an optimal volume ratio where the ionic conductivity is highest while also understanding the interactions between the sintering agent and solid-state electrolyte.
“I’m participating in SuperUROP to spend more time focusing on a research project on material that I enjoy. I hope to learn how to be more self driven in taking initiative to take different directions with the project and really making it my own.”