Hae Jin Song
MIT EECS — Foxconn Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Free-flow Smart Reading Pen
Suvrit Sra
The aim of this project is to develop a handheld, pen-style device that allows a reader to “click” on words in printed text and display meanings or additional context. Unlike a stylus for digital devices, it is the form factor of a pen-like device that makes it more attractive as a reading aid, especially due to its non-intrusive nature. The technical challenges are to build a simple yet robust system using the optical character recognition and fast search logic, display the retrieved information without impeding the user’s reading flow, and minimize its power consumption.
I’m a senior in course 6 and 18, studying towards a Masters in EECS. I’m excited to tackle challenges in both software and hardware for this project. I’ll have a chance to implement machine learning and fast search algorithms, as well as building the actual device handson. I aim to make a simple, yet robust device while keeping the cost low so that even students from low-income families can benefit from it.