Grecia Castelazo
MIT EECS | Lincoln Laboratory Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Improving the Readout of Superconducting Quantum Circuits
- Devices
William Oliver
Noisiness is a feature rather than a bug in quantum mechanical systems, and most of the projections of what quantum computers can do will require fault-tolerant machines that do not exist yet. Superconducting qubits are one of the leading technologies approaching the threshold, and while there has been considerable progress in the increase of fidelity of quantum gates, qubit measurement shows slower progress. The goal of this project is to understand how to mitigate the Purcell effect, as one of the main limiting factors for high fidelity qubit readout, and produce calculation and simulation tools for the optimization of the parameters on chip design without compromising qubit measurement.
I am participating in SuperUROP with the goal of applying the knowledge and skills I’ ve gained in my quantum courses and through my experiences in the lab. This project means to me the exciting opportunity to seek novel results in some of the most fundamental features of superconducting qubits, learn about the very fundamental nature of qubit readout, and explore the quintessentials of experimental quantum computation.