Francisca Vasconcelos
MIT EECS | Draper Laboratory Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Extending Quantum State Tomography for Superconducting Quantum Processors
- Devices
Terry P. Orlando
Quantum state tomography, or the reconstruction of the density matrix of a quantum state via measurements, is critical to ensuring the proper functionality of qubits and quantum operations in a quantum computer. Currently, there exist tomography implementations for use of 1- and 2-qubit systems in our superconducting quantum processor. In this work, we aim to develop quantum state tomography for a 3-qubit system. This will be achieved through a variety of statistical and machine learning techniques. Ultimately, this will be implemented as a code suite and integrated in the analysis software toolbox for the quantum processor. The code will be tested and verified on real data from state-of-the-art qubit experiments. If time permits, work will be done to extend tomography to n-qubit systems.
Through this SuperUROP project, I hope to explore the field of quantum computing in depth. I want to go to graduate school and would like to see if this is a field I would be interested in researching long-term. I have had various research and UROP experiences but hope that SuperUROP will provide an even more intensive research experience and help me improve my communication skills.