Eyas Alsharaiha
MIT EECS - Google Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
A Social Annotation Tool for Textbooks of the Future
David R. Karger
NB is a social annotation tool aiming to create a new format for online education. Current work indicates success in improving the education experience, but much is left to be done. My work aims to address some unanswered questions: Does the educational benefit come from added clarifying information, or the experience of participating? Should notes become incorporated in the text as they gain credibility and approval, or is there an inherit distinction between the two? Should we attempt to merge and summarize information, or simply filter comments by popularity? Research in this area primarily involves HCI, UI design, and machine learning.
I worked at Microsoft in Redmond, WA on the Office OneNote Web App adding access to encrypted content. I worked at Google in New York on internal tools to improve the design of inter- and intra-application communication inside the company. In 2004, I traveled to Jakarta, Indonesia to participate in the First International Junior Science Olympiad.