Siyu (Elaine)  Liu

Siyu (Elaine) Liu

Scholar Title

MIT EECS | Lincoln Laboratory Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar

Research Title

Coordinated Multi-Layered Optimization for Electrical Vehicle Charging




Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Research Areas
  • Economics
  • Energy

Marija D. Ilić


Recent years have seen a significant rise in the popularity of electrical vehicles. However, the new technology lack regulation, and most EV projects are handled on a case-by-case basis. The lack of coordination creates many challenges in grid stability, demand satisfaction, and energy equity-each of interest to different stakeholders. The goal of my project is to design incentives in a competitive market to encourage market participant coordination. My work explores what market structure encourages communication between electricity market participants such to optimize market and energy efficiency, and how to minimize the price of anarchy under this coordination scheme. I hope results of my project situated in power systems will lend insight into facility location and pricing problems more broadly.


I’m taking 6.UAR to develop good research habits and learn how to approach difficult questions and uncertainties in research. I’m hoping to apply my background in math to a longer term project and work on something I’m potentially interested in doing in grad school.

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