Dwyane George
MIT EECS - eBay Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Conceptual Redesign of Software
Daniel N. Jackson
To optimally design and implement complex, scalable software systems, we must understand the underlying conceptual models behind our software goals. The quality of the conceptual design of a software development project positively correlates to the usability, realization, and success of the finished product. This research will conduct a case study of Facebook, a widely used social networking application, to experiment with conceptual transformations and analyze various design choices. The case study will involve a detailed analysis of Facebook’s conceptual design and design inconsistencies and it will propose more harmonious and secure design solutions. The goal of this project is to repackage the software system, eliminate superfluous complexity, and safeguard privacy in the application’s design.
In the past, I have taken both Element of Software Construction and Software Studio classes, which focus on proper conceptual software design. In addition, I have studied software design through working as a software developer engineer and program manager at Microsoft Corporation. My experiences with conceptual design have given me a strong understanding of good design and will enable me to excel in my research