Donald  Little

Donald Little

Scholar Title

MIT EECS - MediaTek Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar

Research Title

Mobile Medical Plat- form




Anantha P. Chandrakasan


Rural areas around the world, particularly in India, lack the tools and infrastructure to deliver basic healthcare as hospitals and doctors are focused around the main cities with high population densities. This project focuses on creating a mobile medical platform that will enable health workers in remote rural areas to diagnose and monitor patients without having to travel to remote hospitals, expediting diagnosis. The project will also keep track of all of the patient data, serving as a system of record and patient history which currently does not exist.


I have worked with the mobile devices ecosystem (both Android and iOS) creating utility applications. I was also involved around data ingestion and persistent storage projects in a previous internship. The knowledge I have learned through these projects will help us develop an architecture to deliver a better and faster medical platform for rural areas.

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