Deepti Raghavan
MIT EECS — MediaTek USA Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Using Remy To Build Congestion Control Protocols Resilient to Packet Loss
Hari Balakrishnan
Remy is a program that creates congestion control protocols for a network given certain objectives and parameters about that network. This project will investigate if it is possible to use Remy to synthesize congestion control algorithms that are also resilient to packet losses. Currently, many TCP algorithms respond to packet losses due to congestion by reducing the rate at which packets are sent. This reduces performance. We will investigate whether Remy can synthesize algorithms that respond to packet losses, not necessarily due to congestion, without affecting performance. First we will explore how current Remy algorithms respond to networks with significant amount of packet loss. Then we will explore ways to encode resiliency to loss to Remy.
I am a junior studying computer science. Through my experience in classes so far and at my internship at Akamai this past summer, I have done a lot of web programming. When I took Computer Systems, 6.033, in the spring, I was particularly interested in computer networks. I am excited to learn more about this area and to see what research in computer science is like!