Clementine D. Mitchell
MIT AeroAstro Lockheed Martin Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
The Effect of Environment Presentation on Performance in Controlling the Robotic Arm on the ISS
Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Signal Processing
Leia Stirling
I aim to investigate the effect of environment presentation on gesture control performance in operation of the robotic arm on the ISS. Specifically performance of subjects in an exogenous environment (one in which subject aligns with their external environment) will be compared with an endogenous environment (one in which subject aligns with themselves). The Oculus Rift virtual reality goggles will be set up with the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) simulator to measure subjects’ performance in tasks testing their ability to operate the robotic arm. They will be tested in three control environments: exogenous with few environmental cues; exogenous with many environmental cues and endogenous. Hopefully this study will also be applicable to other gesture control systems.
Participating in a UROP in the Man Vehicle Lab for the past year thoroughly sparked my interest in the effect of human factors on system design so I am really excited to learn more about how perspective impacts our ability to operate a robot via gesture control. I hope this information will help to guide the design of the optimal gesture control environment for both the robotic arm on the ISS and for future systems.