Christopher Graves
MIT EECS Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
A Web Application to Enable Remote Mentoring for Software Engineering
Saman P. Amarasinghe
Miller, Robert
Students in MITs course on Performance Engineering of Software Systems have benefited greatly from being paired with experienced industry mentors who provide the students with a real-world perspective on their work. Unfortunately, MITx students are currently unable to benefit from such programs largely due to their physical distance from potential mentors. I am working to design and implement a system for remote hands-on student mentoring in the form of a web application. The goal is to recreate the interaction of a mentor sitting beside a student, looking at the same screen, going over the students code, but done remotely through a web application.
During my internship with Facebooks Platform Growth team, I launched a battery of A/B tests attempting to increase application engagement. During my internship with the Google Docs team, I designed and implemented the addition of page numbers and page counts. My mother is from the Dominican Republic and I visit there for several weeks every year.