Chenkai  Mao

Chenkai Mao

Scholar Title

MIT EECS | Texas Instruments Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar

Research Title

Electrical and Optical Properties of Gallium Nitride Under Applied Stress





Research Areas
  • Devices

Tomas A. Palacios


Single-photon emitters(SPE) play a central role in many photonic quantum technologies, including quantum computation and quantum information processing. Recently, researchers have realized robust bright single-photon emitter based on defects in gallium nitride (GaN) in room temperature. Despite many amazing properties, the origin of these single-photon emitters remains to be understood. My project aims at better understanding and controlling single-photon-emitters in GaN by studying their properties under applied strain. We will introduce stacking faults in the material by applying strain to the sample and studying the relation between the strain field and the temperature dependence of the emission.


“Through this SuperUROP project, I want to gain more experience in quantum optics experiments as well as in nano structure fabrication. I have participated in UROPs in photonics-related area, but mostly simulation-focused. I wish to apply my physics and analytical skills with real experiments and to better understand novel materials.”

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