Cecilia Luna
Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Barrier Contraception
- Biological and Medical Devices and Systems
Ellen Roche
According to the CDC, the use of condoms has become a public health issue, with less than 20% of men and women using a condom during sex. With perfect usage, condoms are over 98% effective at preventing pregnancy and are the only method of birth control on the market proven to reduce transmission of STDs. With STD rates on the rise in the US, this project seeks to increase condom usage by improving upon current condom designs. My role for this project will involve mechanical design and prototyping. I will be responsible for creating molds and functional models of novel condom applicators and rating their efficacy using a custom design matrix. Through this role, I will also get a chance to interact with manufacturers and develop an understanding of the market of barrier contraception.
I am participating in SuperUROP because I want to have a solid research experience to prepare myself for graduate school. This project will be a great opportunity for me to strengthen my biomechanical and medical device design skills in a field that is an important, growing health concern. I hope to use this opportunity to make a positive and meaningful contribution to my research group and to make contraception and sexual health more accessible.