Carolyn  Lu

Carolyn Lu

Scholar Title

MIT EECS | Analog Devices Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar

Research Title

WYSIWYFab: Integrating 3D Modeling and Slicing





Research Areas
  • Human-Computer Interaction

Stefanie Mueller


In this project, we hope to unify two steps 3-D modeling and slicing — into a single integrated 3-D editing environment. By providing real-time information about how an object will be fabricated during 3-D modeling, users can (1) avoid conversion problems that lead to non-working designs, and (2) optimize their designs to be more stable and time-efficient. We aim to create a 3-D editor with integrated fabrication knowledge. Rather than treating 3-D editing and slicing as two independent steps, we aim to provide an integrated editing environment that allows users to take fabrication constraints into account while creating the initial 3-D model.


Past UROPs have helped me find my interest in computer graphics and tools and have helped me feel prepared for future work with research. I am excited about the opportunity this SuperUROP project provides for me to do work that matches my interests. I hope to apply the skills I have learned in class and to gain expertise in the fields I am interested in by creating a finished product in this SuperUROP project.

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