Byungkyu Park
MIT EECS Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Accessibility of Mobile Apps
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Systems and Networking
Lalana S. Kagal
Developing Tools for Building Accessible Mobile Apps
This project involves designing and developing relevant libraries and toolkits to enable the development of accessible mobile apps. Handheld devices such as mobile phones tablets and smart watches are rapidly replacing desktops and laptops as primary communication and computation platforms for many people. With almost one billion people with disabilities in the world ensuring that apps for these handheld devices are accessible by people with disabilities are becoming more and more important and critical for emergency situations. The project is looking to develop some tools that can be helpful for developers who want to build accessible mobile apps. In addition to building a toolkit the project also focuses on possibly developing code libraries that can be widely used by developers.
My name is Byungkyu Park and I am a senior majoring in 6-3. Building from my previous experience with iOS development I would like to learn more about Android development. The most exciting thing about this project is that it will actually be a big help for disabled people; more accessible apps will be available for people who really want to use mobile apps but having a hard time using them because of disabilities.