Avital Vainberg
MIT DUSP | Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scholar
Visualizing Spatio-Temporal Patterns
Urban Studies And Planning
- Systems and Networking
Joseph Ferreira
Due to rapid advances in mobility, urban development is experiencing great changes. Despite the increase in the quantity and resolution of location-tagged data, policy makers are often not equipped to handle it. My project aims to model, visualize, and analyze patterns of daily activity of Singapore’s citizens using travel survey data. I will construct a continuous mapping of individuals’ locations for one day and create a dashboard where users can select to see pre-processed activity patterns based on segmentations, such as travel indicators and socio-demographics. This tool can aid planners and policy makers in making informed mobility policies and transportation infrastructure changes. I will also use the dashboard to explore long-term scenarios of mobility and housing in Singapore.
I am participating in SuperUROP because I want to take on a long term research project in my major of urban science. I started working in the Future Urban Mobility Lab last year, and I really enjoyed applying my computer science classes to a question that affects millions of people worldwide. I am looking forward to furthering my data science skills and successfully creating a tool that will help me analyze and understand the world around me.